Intoxicated Drivers Program
Alcohol and other drug abuse is a significant health and public safety problem. Each year in Wisconsin, there are
over 800 documented deaths, 10,000 traffic crashes resulting in 8,000 injuries and over 90,000 arrests all
attributable to alcohol and other drugs. Impaired drivers present a danger to themselves and the community.
In addition to fines and criminal penalties, when an individual is convicted of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, state law mandates that he or she be ordered to complete an Intoxicated Drivers Program (IDP) Assessment. The IDP assessor conducts a specific type of assessment for this program, and based upon the results, the offender is referred to the appropriate education or treatment program.
If you have been ordered by the court to complete an IDP Assessment, you must pay the full assessment fee before an appointment will be scheduled. Once the fee has been paid, you will be scheduled for the next available IDP appointment. See the Clinical Services Fee Schedule for the cost of the IDP Assessment.
The IDP assessor conducts a specific type of assessment (Intoxicated Driver Program or IDP Assessment) for the Court ordered program,
and based upon the results, the person is referred to the appropriate education or treatment program. A Drivers Safety Plan outlines the
recommendation of the IDP Assessment and gives the timeline for completing services. The person must follow the recommendations of the
assessment in order to remain in compliance with plan or the Department of Transportation may suspend his or her driving privileges.
Information on scheduling an Appointment
Assessment and Facts Info Sheet
Clients have the right to challenge the recommendation of the IDP Assessment. There is an appeals process specific to the Intoxicated Drivers Program. If you wish to appeal the results of your IDP Assessment you should start by discussing this with the IDP Assessor and follow the IDP Appeals Process.
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