Birth to Three Services
The services, which include therapy and service coordination, are provided in the child's natural environment (e.g. home, daycare, etc). Families should be involved and present, to the greatest extent possible, when and where the child receives services. Early intervention services are coordinated with the child's primary health care provider. Team members use their knowledge and skills in a cost effective manner that maximizes developmental outcomes and is uniquely qualified to assess specific developmental areas and skills of young children. Techniques to achieve the child and family's outcomes are embedded into everyday activities.
Eligibility Criteria
Early intervention services are provided to children birth to 36 months of age who are determined to have a diagnosed physical or mental condition with a high probability of resulting in a developmental delays or with a cognitive, physical (including vision and hearing), communication, social and emotional, or adaptive developmental which including self-help skills. Even when a 25% delay cannot be found in one or more developmental areas, your child may still be eligible for services if the early invention team determines that he or she shows development that is atypical (unusual) and adversely affects his or her overall development.
Parental Ability to Pay
The State made administrative rule changes in 1997, which permit counties to assess parents with an ability to pay for specific early intervention Birth to Three services. This ability to pay system is based on a State formula. Other funding may come from private insurance, Medical assistance, and/or other Birth to Three funds.