Insurance Requirements |
The County and the Independent Contractor intend that all policies provided in response to
the project insurance provisions shall protect all the parties insured and provide primary
coverage for all losses and damages caused by the perils covered thereby.
The Independent Contractor agrees to evidence and maintain proof of financial responsibility to cover costs as may arise from claims or tort and vicarious arising from employees. Such evidence shall include insurance coverage for Worker’s Compensation claims as required by the State where the Project is located, including Employer’s Liability and Business Insurance covering general liability and automobile coverage in the amounts approved by the County. The County shall be named as additional insured in the Independent Contractor’s general liability policy, as their interests may appear, and shall be afforded a thirty (30) day written notice of cancellation or non-renewal. A certificate indicating the required coverages shall be submitted to the County for review and approval for the duration of this agreement. Coverages shall be placed with an insurance company approved by the State where the Project is located. General Liability coverage shall apply to direct operations, sublet work and elevators. Property Damage Liability shall include coverage for Explosion, Collapse and Underground hazard as appropriate to the Work. In the event of cancellation or lapse, the Independent Contractor shall halt all of the Work until approved coverage is obtained. Stoppage on this account shall not be cause for extension of time of completion. The limits for Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability insurance shall meet statutory limits mandated by State and Federal Laws. If limits in excess of those required by statute are to be provided, or the employer is not statutorily bound to obtain such insurance, or additional coverages are required, additional coverages and limits for such insurance shall be as follows:
The limits for Commercial Liability insurance including coverage for Premises-Operations; Products and Completed Operations, Contractual Liability, Personal Injury and Broad Form Property Damage (including coverage for Explosion, Collapse and Underground Hazards) shall be as follows:
Automobile Liability Insurance (owned, non-owned and hired vehicles) for bodily injury and property damage:
Umbrella or Excess Liability Coverage shall be required for any Below or Underground Contractors such as Excavation, Trenching, Well Digging or Utility Work.
Professional Liability (E & O) Insurance shall be required for applicable professions.
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Richland County Health & Human Services
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