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About Us

The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Eagle Country’s Richland County office is part of a regional network designed to inform county residents about programs, services and public benefits, assist people to understand and consider their options, and help to make connections to resources, services, and benefits. There are three local offices collectively known as the ADRC of Eagle Country covering Crawford, Juneau, and Richland Counties. The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Eagle Country –Richland County office is located within Richland County Health & Human Services Department.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to working with adults and their families who are impacted by disability or aging. We will strive to enhance their self-sufficiency and quality of life by providing information, assistance and education. In doing so, we will at all times promote the rights, dignity and preferences of the individual.

Our Goals

By integrating our mission into the organizational structure and day-to-day activities of the Aging Disibility and Resource Center, our aim is to achieve the following goals:

  • People are able to easily locate and access services.
  • People are informed about programs and services.
  • People experience better health and improved quality of life.
  • The community recognizes the Aging and Disability Resource Center as a place to obtain information and referral on a wide variety of topics.

Where to find Us

The Aging and Disability Resource Center is located at:
221 West Seminary Street, Richland Center, WI 53581
Call (608) 647-4616 or toll free (877)794-2372 or Wisconsin Rely System 711
E-mail us at

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Business Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Home visists can be arranged when needed.

Who we serve

Richland County residents who are aged 60 years of age or older or a person who is disabled and aged 17 years, 6 months or older. Disabilities can be physical, developmental or related to mental health and substance abuse issues. Individuals concerned or caring for an older adult or disabled adult are encouraged to contact us.

Program Cost & Funding

Programs are funded through federal Older Americans Act and state grants, county funds, and donations from individuals receiving service.

Commission on Aging and Disability Board

Board Members

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Aging, Disability, & Resource Center
221 W. Seminary Street
Richland Center, WI 53581
Phone: 608-647-4616
Toll Free: 1-877-794-2372
Wisconsin Relay System 711
Fax: 608-647-6611
For Emergency Services:
Concerns involving suicide, mental health, addiction, and other crisis situations to speak with a crisis professional.
Contact the Richland County Sheriff's Department for concerns involving child abuse or neglect to request the Children's Services On-Call Worker.
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